September 16, 2011

We're all MAD here!

Wyld Peas Designs is SO excited to bring you our newest release...Curiouser & Curiouser.  This kit is jam packed FULL of papers and elements to make lots of pages featuring Alice and her "friends".  This kit started out small but we couldn't stop so now there are 200+ elements in there.  Check it out...

Curiouser & Curiouser Kit - $8.95
Here is a close up view of all the different elements in this kit. 
The Hatter...I hear he's a little MAD
The Queen
Cheshire Cat
Drink Me

Can you see all the different pages you can do with this coming together in your mind? 
Whether you are spinning on some Tea Cups or meeting a Rabbit who is late, this kit is perfect for all your Wonderland Adventures

Here is a little "Pea" inspiration...
Wyld Peas Kit: Curiouser & Curiouser and Best Friends

Wyld Peas Designs